Essential human attributes that question economic abstracts.
I have come to realise why I am so often at odds with economists, academics and economic theorists.
They all have a tendency to define abstracts and assign to them predictable
behaviours – such as labour, capital, resources and many other.
If only it were that simple! If only we did not have a
messy and much nuanced dynamic called human behaviour, in turn driven by a creature
with differing motives, hopes, dreams, expectations and aspirations; all mostly
undefinable and certainly highly erratic and seldom predictable. If you impose
these factors on economic abstracts, you quickly discover that the definition
of those abstracts are often highly suspect.
This can be applied to the most basic of economic theory
– the so-called factors
of production. Earliest definitions focused on three primary or physical
factors: land (natural resources); labour and capital. They clearly missed an
element: that which ultimately determines the usefulness, or value of the
production itself and without which any or all of the three become irrelevant.
That is demand, in turn identified by some-one, an entrepreneur if you will,
who marshals those factors into transforming one situation into another – or
adding value to people’s lives. Entrepreneurship was added as a 4th
factor and the four have become standard in economic teaching.
That addition soon triggered exuberant and sometimes
debilitating conflict in economic theory about which is the most important,
leading to different systems and constructs that continue to shape national and
individual destinies today. My pet peeve is the one that claims capital rules
supreme; that it is scarce and precious and that good things can only happen
when it drives others in its accumulation, accrual and expansion in the
interest of material self-gain. That understanding has even been expanded to
cover other factors such as “human capital”, “social capital, and “natural
capital”. This, it is claimed, gives birth to the entrepreneur, the selfish
opportunist who then exploits the productive use of the other factors.
It is a most inaccurate and demeaning view of great
entrepreneurs – one that I have tried to counter on many occasions in my column.
here). A key trait of entrepreneurial
behaviour is the ability to look beyond immediate and assured self-gain and
focus on making a meaningful difference to other’s lives. That goes much
further and is far nobler than simply following the whims of capital or
It is tempting to adopt a mechanical view of “arranging
the factors of production” to ensure maximum wealth creation. It creates neat
little abstract boxes for theorists to play around with and propose as elements
that simply have to be “managed”. Among many production improvement processes
is Eliyahu Goldratt’s theory of Constraints, which means simply identifying and
eliminating constraints to effect maximum productivity. I have come across many
of those in my consulting days, the most popular of which was the elaborate
Japanese process called 20Keys.
Regimentation on its own seldom works. It simply ignores
or does not give enough credence to the most important factor of all:
willingness and commitment by the troops in the regiment. This they get from
meaning, not from processes -- from why not from what and how. It speaks to
motive; about which we know very little but are discovering more and more that
it is about having a sense of self-worth based on the contribution being made
to other’s lives – satisfying that deep urge in most of us to make others
These powerful human attributes not only inform, but
actually define capital. Far from it being a calculable and tangible factor of
production it is actually a factor of behaviour. Without this understanding,
one has great trouble in distinguishing between capital and money. We know that
the world is awash with debt-based money. This, it is argued, only becomes
capital when it is used in investment in capital assets. So capital is defined
not by the availability of money, but by the use of it.
Now it really gets confusing, because not only is the
world awash with money, but there’s a credible argument that stagnant global
economic growth has been exacerbated by this money not finding its way into
consumer demand, but into investment in capital assets, including equity,
property and financial instruments. This, and some other startling facts
explode the myth of a scarcity of capital, including:
Buoyant stock markets;
A resurgence of new listings and IPO’s on the
Huge reserves (estimated at R800bn) in S.A. corporate
R4trn investment funding in The South African
financial banking sector and
A further R7trn in non-financial institutions
such as pension funds.
Share buy-outs such as Apple and Amazon,
implying a conversion of capital into debt.
Buoyant stock markets demonstrate another argument: apart
from reducing the cost of raising
capital, high P.E. ratios mean simply that the price of using that capital (earnings) fall, and lower prices must surely
reflect greater supply in relation to demand. An unfortunate side effect,
though, is that it puts greater pressure on company managers to squeeze
earnings; to maximise profits in a low demand environment that invariably leads
to enterprise containment rather than growth.
Perversely then, there is no shortage of capital, but
actually low demand – specifically a lack of willingness to invest in
productive capacity. (See
Moneyweb article here). Then the opposite is true: there’s a surplus of capital in relation to
Capital seems to hunger for the Beta pushing Elon Musks
of this world, who, in his perhaps cavalier approach to risk and shareholder
interests (see
Forbes article here), explodes another myth: that capital naturally flows
to low risk, high returns. In Musk’s case, he not only increases risk, but also
reduces assured (not potential) returns.
Capital scarcity and indeed most of our conventional
economic abstracts are not defined by their physical calculable qualities or
quantities, but by the human attributes that drive them. Perhaps the most
important attribute that is missing is simply courage -- of the Elon Musk kind.
Isn’t that then, what capital really is -- courage?
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